
In March 2012, I was lucky enough to discover access to the unconscious, which for me is a Copernican discovery. Through my lectures, I'd like to take you on a journey to the heart of the unconscious, to discover how it's organized, how it works and how it determines our reality. In each of my lectures, I aim to provide you with new explanations, unheard of in psychology, and a clear vision of how our Pandora's box works.

Where does the information come from? Why do we repeat the same patterns? Why are we sick? How can we change the data to obtain a result that leads us to a life that is true to our aspirations? How can we identify the source of problems and blockages? Why do we fail? I've spent 30 years researching and 12 years navigating the unconscious in order to understand its secrets. As many answers as questions...

I invite you to open your mind and your heart wide. You're bound to come away transformed by these conferences.

Upcoming conferences


April 27, 2024 at 2 p.m.

Menton Salle Saint Exupéry

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