PLER: Process of Releasing Repressed Emotions, is a tool I developed in 2012. This technique takes up the eye movements we naturally make every night as we sleep, which indicate that your psyche is in the process of classifying the events of the previous day. If an event is too emotionally charged with negativity, it won't be filed in the preconscious mind and will be waiting to be filed, which will produce a symptom.
The idea is to use the natural information processing model as a tool. During the PLER sessions, I'll teach you how to release information from the unconscious to identify and deactivate all the emotions attached to it.
Eye movement and taping are used when the patient is emotionally overwhelmed. The PLER technique aims to make the unconscious mind believe that the patient accepts the traumatic event, thus lifting the censor. The source information then becomes accessible, and is immediately deactivated through verbal repetition.
It's a powerful, revolutionary tool that involves mastering decompensation.
Training is exclusively reserved for practicing therapists.